Saturday, February 25, 2012

LECOM Administration Issues and Surveys

LECOM sends out a survey ever so often to their students called a "Satisfaction Survey" and quite frankly these surveys are practically garbage because they only want to hear what they want to hear.  By and large the biggest complaints are the obvious ones like attendance policy for only LDP people and awful lecturers and repeating material that just wastes our time.  Do these problems ever get fixed? No.  Have they been complained about in years past? You bet.

The fact is they wonder why not everyone fills them out and that is because nobody has any faith in administration at LECOM or the Ferretti's in their "outdated" ways to change or budge on these important issues to the modern student.  Sure, many of us fill it out with the same complaint and do so in a respectful manner like the good "professional" we are but do we have any confidence that something will be actually done about it? No.

The fact is administration has really no control over the big concerns that many of the students have because the school is run as a dictatorship by the fist of Silvia Ferretti and others.  The ominous character that you rarely see even though she is the Dean of the school.  She basically hides out on the 5th floor where practically nobody is allowed to go.  Don't believe me? Sound farfetched? Come will find out real quickly how it really is at LECOM and the administration incompetencies that you won't here about in their very "perfected" interview process where the glamorize everything but none of it really matters.  It is always funny how you see the LECOM interviewee's getting shown all the "unique" things about LECOM that you will never use, appreciate, or see ever again after that.  It is unfortunate.

1 comment:

  1. Is there some way I can contact you to discuss further?
